Our House




Our House


729 Brittain drive!!

There are 24 spots and 11 rooms in the house! Living in the house offers not only a prime location on campus, but also the opportunity to grow friendships and be even more involved in our community!

Our house history:

Zeta Omicron acquired its first house on campus in the year of 1980.  The house was built in 1932 and had to undergo major renovations before it could be used.  In the summer of 1981, an addition was made which allowed members to hold chapter meetings and Recruitment parties within the house.  Zeta Omicron quickly outgrew its original house and began construction on an entirely new and beautiful house in 1995. It was opened with a celebration in Spring of 1996.

The Meal Plan:

Our meal plan offers lunch and dinner Monday through Thursday and lunch only on Friday. Our chef, Antonio with Chef’s menu cooks all of our delicious meals and with help from the kitchen staff. Having a meal plan on campus is one thing our sisters say makes Alpha Delta Pi so valuable and convenient on campus. This meal plan freshman year, takes the place of the

Life Living at the house!

“Living in the house has been such an amazing experience so far. I have fostered friendships with girls from different years who have come to become some of my best friends. From movie nights in the living room, lounging on the couches, to cooking meals and always having someone to talk to whatever the time may be, I have loved being a house girl! My second year, I lived in an apartment, and as a junior and senior I have been lucky enough to share a room with my best friend at 729 Brittain Drive. My third year has been my favorite year so far in Alpha Delta Pi, and I can confidently say I owe that to the friendships and love I have experienced through living in the house. Every girl truly lives for each other, from waking up at 7 a.m. driving me to a 5k in the rain, to lending you a dress when you have nothing to wear, to offering words of encouragement and sweet treats to get you through a hard week of exams. I cannot wait for more memories to come living in the house another year. Thank you Alpha Delta Pi for being my home for the past three years and giving me the best people to share college life with.”

- Ansley Gavron AC ‘21